Legal notice | Impressum

Legal notice | Impressum

- almedia GmbH & Co. KG -

Hermann-Ritter-Str. 112
28197 Bremen

- Germany -

fon: +49 (0)421 | 38029755
fax: +49 (0)421 | 38030420
mail: info(at)

Finanzamt Bremen
VAT-ID: DE264180887

Amtsgericht Bremen HRA 26973 HB
Die Gesellschaft wird vertreten durch den Geschäftführer Jan Varlemann des
persönlich haftenden Gesellschafters almedia Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH,
eingetragen beim Amtsgericht Bremen auf dem Registerblatt HRB 29810 HB.

Alle Rechte vorbehalten
Vervielfältigung in jedweder Form nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung durch die almedia GmbH & Co. KG.



The operator of this website accepts no responsibility for the quality of the information provided in terms of being up-to-date, correct, and complete. Liability claims against the operator, which relate to damages of a material or intellectual nature and were caused by the utilization or non-utilization of the information provided or by the utilization of faulty of incomplete information, are excluded as a matter of principle as long as there is no evidence of intentional or negligent fault on the part of the author. All offers are without engagement and non-binding.

References and links

In the case of direct or indirect referrals to other websites ('links'), which are outside of the sphere of responsibility of the operator, liability would only arise if operator was aware of its contents and if it was technically possible and reasonable for them to prevent unlawful content from being used. Consequently, the operator gives its express declaration that no illegal content was in evidence when the links were put in place. The operator has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design and the contents of the sites linked. It therefore expressly distances itself from all contents on all linked sites that were changed after the links were put in place. This declaration applies to all links and references placed within our own website as well as to third party entries in guest books, discussion forums, and mailing lists set up by the operator. The provider of the site that was referred to is solely liable for illegal, defective, or incomplete content and in particular for damages arising from the utilization or non-utilization of such information provided. The provider that simply referred to the respective publication via links is not liable.